Young Voice Group

PAC Young Voice Group

With thanks to some funding from The National Lottery we have launched our Young Voice Group at PAC. The group has been set up to ensure that we are putting our young people at the centre of our decision making. The group will meet regularly to discuss the development of PAC and also have opportunity for Peer Support and social activities/incentives which they can plan themselves. If you or a young person you know are aged 12-18 & would like to be involved in this project then please get in touch.

Young Voice Art Competition 2025!

The PAC Young Voice Group are inviting Young People aged 7-25 in Cumbria to contribute to our 2025 Art Competition. The theme of the art competition is ‘Express Yourself’. This is an opportunity to express yourself, your identity, your feelings, your hobbies, your worries, your favourite things or your own ideas through your own artwork. Entries may then be used in our Spring Pop Up Exhibition which will be held in The Lanes, Carlisle during the Spring Holidays.

Entry requirements are as follows-

Artwork must be no bigger than YOU. You can use any materials, drawing, painting, paper, canvas, clay, textiles, collage, sculpture, photographs, modelling etc. but it must be no bigger than YOU. We are able to offer support to Young People to access art materials if needed. Please let us know on your registration form if you need support with this and we will be in touch.

Give your art entry a title and include a short description of what it means to you. No longer than 5 sentences.
The deadline is 5pm on Monday 31st March and all entries must be delivered to PAC on 14 Lowther Street, Carlisle during our office hours.

Voting will take place in The Pop Up Shop, The Lanes, Carlisle w/c 14th April. There will be 1 vote per person allowed.

There will be an Easter Egg prize for every entry and additional prizes for winners in age categories 7-11, 12-18, 18-25.

Register to take part in our competition here.

If you have any questions please contact